Case Organized By:

Epithelioid Sarcoma.
Case Concluded
We worked on Leila's case from December 2019 through January 2020. Over 40 researchers, scientists, doctors and friends gathered at Stanford University for a weekend hackathon to find new treatment options for Leila. Her sequencing data and medical records were re-analyzed from the ground up in a multi-disiplinary collaboration between bioinformaticians and her Oncologist.

Winter 2020. Leila is the Founder and CEO of Samasource, Samaschool, and LXMI, enterprises that #givework to low-income people around the world using cutting-edge social enterprise models in AI/machine learning, digital freelancing, and clean skincare, respectively.
In April 2019 Leila was diagnosed with vulvar epithelioid sarcoma, an extremely rare and aggressive cancer. Leila and her medical team are pursuing: Potential Clinical Trials, Experimental Immuno-oncology (IO) Therapies,Vaccines, and Other Options for Epithelioid Sarcoma.
Research analysis will be presented to Leila and her medical team. Analysis will be featured in our journal.